Welcome to my corner of the internet! By day, I’m deep in the world of coding, but when the sun sets, I’m all about acting, improv, conference speaking, emceeing, stand-up comedy, and sketch writing. What makes me happiest in life is making and being with friends. So, if you want to yap with me all day, reach out to me through email, Linkedin, or Twitter. Have the best day of your life!



Grow Therapy, Software Engineer II Aug 2023 – Present

  • Automates process to launch a new partnership with a Retool frontend and data flow through Redis, Flask, NextJS.
  • Drives the FE task force to oversee Sentry, an error tracking tool, to catch errors before production and prevent outages.
  • Runs the internal tech talks, team highlight talk series, and the Asian employee resource group.

Lyft, Software Engineer II Aug 2021 – Apr 2023

  • On the Design systems team, built UI component library in React, TypeScript, and HTML/CSS used by 100+ frontend engineers.
  • Unlocked a $10M government contract by elevating accessibility in all 89 products to meet industry standard (WCAG 2.0).
  • Collaborated cross-functionally with 3 designers, 6 senior/staff engs to plan roadmap & ensure cross-platform consistency.
  • Led major release of new UI component library version by devising migration plan focused on resilience and adopted type safety across the board. Wrote thorough documentation and rallied a group of early adopters for safe rollout.
  • Led shared rides in the web app, gathered requirements, broke down roadmap, ran experiments, and drove features to roll-out, yielding projected annualized impact of $600K profit and $1.5-4.6M bookings.
  • Led notifications in web to increase promotion and reminder capabilities beyond mobile, reaching 27K new users per year.
  • Ran monthly Frontend All-hands, breaking down knowledge silos and encouraged company-wide adoption of latest tools.
  • Unblocked projects by proactively learning backend for notifications and autofill SMS and Android for gift cards.
  • Introduced scheduled rides in the web app, leading to an increase of 19.6K+ rides and $530K booking per year.

Copysmith, Product Manager Intern Jan 2021 – Apr 2021

  • First Product Manager in a 15-people start-up, acting as a glue between teams shaped product roadmap.
  • Increased MRR by 30%, acquired 61% new customers, and supported the company through acquisition.

Lyft, Software Developer Intern Jun 2020 – Jul 2020

  • Built coupon, shortcuts, payment methods, and dark mode with React and TypeScript for Lyft on the web.
  • Added support for A/B testing and created guidelines to set up experiments and control roll-out.
  • Selected as one of the 4 out of 180 interns to speak to 250 students on the Intern AMA Webinar.

Yelp, Android Developer Intern Jan 2020 – Apr 2020

  • Took ownership of implementation and launch for app-wide features in the Yelp for Business Owner app.
  • Using Kotlin, Koin, RxJava, built carousels with nested scrolling content to promote major business features.
  • Planned and implemented architecture migration from MVP to MVI for Android alert banner with JUnit tests.

Shopify, Android Developer Intern May 2019 – Aug 2019

  • Planned and implemented the WebView remote debugging feature on Shopify’s Android app.
  • Developed a notification system on Android with Java, Kotlin, and GraphQL to alert merchants of plugin issues.
  • Wrote advanced HTML to Android Spannable parser in Kotlin to render nested bulleted list data.

Hootsuite, Software Developer Intern Jan 2019 – Apr 2019

  • Added dynamic loading, category assignment, instant search to app store admin page with React, HTML/CSS.
  • Worked with cross-functional teams to launch Hootsuite app store and implemented API endpoints in Scala.

Royal Bank of Canada, Software Developer Intern May 2018 – Aug 2018

  • Increased efficiency of commodity tax data lookups by 2 months per year with C# and .NET automation.
  • Investigated, improved a 13-year-old system and served as a single point of contact for business and QA teams.

Google, Google CodeU Mentorship program Feb 2018 – May 2018

  • Selected to participate in Google CodeU, an invite-only program to be mentored by a Google engineer.
  • Built a chat app in Java and introduced offline support by caching HTML pages and CSS with JavaScript.


Daphne speaking on panel at Superposition



Co-founder, BobaBot Sept 2020 - Apr 2021

Founder and Co-president, UBC Women in CS Sept 2019 - Apr 2020

Co-Founder, UBC CS Coffee Chat Sept 2019 - Apr 2020

Team Lead and AR Developer, UBC Emerging Media Lab Jan 2018 – Apr 2019

Color Breakdown, Personal Project Oct 2018 – May 2020



Daphne meeting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Daphne on stage receiving TIA award


University of British Columbia Sep 2015 - May 2021

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


TypeScript, React, HTML/CSS, NextJS, Python, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, JSON, SQL, Unix, Git

Random fun facts